Which Projects Require Plans?
All plans and written records of computations submitted for a permit are required to be signed by either a California Professional Engineer or California Licensed Architect with the following exemptions as permitted by Section 2308 and Section 2309 of the Los Angeles Building Code (LABC); Section R301 of the Los Angeles Residential Code (LARC); or Sections 5537, 5538, 6737.1, and 6745 of California’s Business & Professions Code (CBPC).
A. Exemptions:
1. Any conventional light frame wood construction in compliance with LABC Section 2308, Section 2309 and LARC Section R301. However, per Section 2308.2.1 of the LABC and Section R301.1.3.2 of the LARC, this exemption cannot be applied to structures exceeding one story in height in the Seismic Design Categories D0, D1, D2 and E.
2. Single-family dwellings of wood frame construction with no more than two stories and basement in height. (CBPC Sections 5537 and 6737.1)
3. Multiple dwellings containing no more than four dwelling units of wood frame construction not more than two stories and basement in height. However, this paragraph shall not be construed as allowing an unlicensed person to design multiple clusters of up to four dwelling units each to form apartment or condominium complexes where the total exceeds four units on any lawfully divided lot. (CBPC Sections 5537 and 6737.1)
4. Garages or other structures appurtenant to buildings described under subdivision (2) and (3), of wood frame construction not more than two stories and basement in height. (CBPC Sections 5537 and 6737.1)
5. Agricultural and ranch buildings of wood frame construction, unless the Building Official deems that an undue risk to the public health, safety or welfare is involved. (CBPC Sections 5537 and 6737.1)
6. Non-structural or non-seismic work on store fronts, interior alterations or additions, fixtures, cabinet work, furniture, or other appliances or equipment. (CBPC Sections 5538 and 6745)
7. Any non-structural or non-seismic work necessary to provide for the installation of #6. (CBPC Sections 5538 and 6745)
8. For any non-structural or non-seismic alterations or additions to any building necessary to or attendant upon the installation of such store fronts, interior alterations or additions, fixtures, cabinet work, furniture, appliances or equipment; provided such alterations do not affect the structural safety of the building. (CBPC Sections 5538 and 6745)
However, if any portion of any structure that is exempted by these sections, deviates from the requirements for conventional light wood-frame construction or tables of limitation for wood frame construction found in LABC Section 2308 and LARC Section R301, then the plans and written records of computations submitted for the permit are required to be signed by either a California Professional Engineer or California Licensed Architect.
Moreover, when the building/structure is one story with basement or more than one story in height, structural plans and calculations shall be submitted for the permit and signed by either a California Professional Engineer or California Licensed Architect as required by LABC Section or LARC Section R301.1.3. However, only the architectural drawings for this type of building/structure up to two stories in height with a basement may be prepared by an unlicensed person per Section 5537 of the California Business and Professions Code.
REFERENCE NO.: CA Bus. & Prof. Code/LABC/LARC Effective: 01-01-2020
DOCUMENT NO.: P/BC 2020-073 Revised:
Previously Issued As: P/BC 2017-073